The Book of Revelation

Adapted Version 2012 Von:
The Book of Revelation
The author is deeply realated to the Revelation of John for many years. The text belongs to so called apocalyptical literature, which had deep impacts on christian theology and thinking. Many throughout ages have seen in the book a kind of time table of human history from a divine view, and the number of different approaches is countless. The author's interest is not so much in revelations of possible events taking place, but in the strong language and figures the writer is about to use in order to comfort his fellow believers in Jesus. This is indeed amazing! One of God's great gifts to humans is - playing. By this He gave us a strong medicine against any sadness. And playing opens many fields to use our minds and imaginations. So why not play even with biblical texts? This was the reason for the lines you are about to read. Basics is the New International Version of the New Testament. You should try it by yourself, it is fun and can open much deep undestanding. Just play with the text and see what happens! And if you don`t like it - just leave it! God's good spirit may inspire you in all your ways of thinking and living!
Tertiusgaudens is theologian and lives in Germany.

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