A little on the beginning. Up for suggestions? Von:
User: Camilia
prologue and 2 paragraphs of chapter 1. If you like science fiction, if you like fantasy and adventure, read this. The final version would come out in mid or late 2014. I would like a review please? On the beginning of the book to see if it seems interesting or not. THANK YOU ALL WHO HAVE READ!

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WAIT!!! 2014....NOOOOO!!!! :'(
This is really good, Its hard to explain but the first two paragraphs of chapter one already makes you like the main character(well at least for me). The prologue/ the first page in a book is what really determines if a book is good or not (well at least for me) and i can honestly say i think his is going to be an AMAZING book!!! I've read a lot of book within the past year. like A LOT. And its... mehr anzeigen

4 Kommentare

really?? thank you soo much I'll try to make it finished as soon as possible! your comment has boosted my confidence so much lol

Gelöschter User

LOL :P its okay, and yer really!!!!! you have officially made me jealous with your AMAZING writing skills :)

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