Summer Love

Summer Love Von:
User: Tanya Lin
Summer Love
Serena Sharpe has had a tough life. Her mother died when she was five, leaving Serena overprotective to her younger sister Rose, and her father, the two most precious people in her life. Serena questions everything and everyone, especially herself. She doesn't believe that true love comes out from people other than family. And she is missing out on that. When a handsome boy named Grayson moves into her neighborhood, Serena refuses to let Rose and her father leave the house, distrustful and pain-ridden from memories of a whole family. Yet, does he really have one?. When Grayson sees her, he can't get Serena out of his head... Will she shut him out, or let him in? (Unfinished)

mother, overprotective, mourns, boy, true love
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