Eco-Perfect Characters

Eco-Perfect Characters
If you liked reading "Eco-Perfect" and wanted to know what the characters looked like then you have to check this out! This contains photo and names of the main characters in "Eco-Perfect".

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Eco-Perfect"
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Wichtiger Beitrag
Demonata-Freak vor ca. 12 Jahren

its a bit short, you should have a chracter per page and have maybe some info about them, age, hobbies, interest etc, just to make it a lil more interestin
BTW, whats Eco-Perfect????? lol

4 Kommentare
♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣ vor ca. 12 Jahren

Eco-Perfect is the title...:)

SoulOnMySleeve vor ca. 12 Jahren

Have you read the book yet?

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