
User: swweet
Der Geschmack blieb...wieso tat er das? was für ein Grund hatte er? Durfte man für so etwas überhaupt einen Grund haben?

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The US Army operated the Jefferson Proving Ground, immediately north of
Madison, for five decades following WWII. 45,000 acres remain littered with
unexploded ordnance, a depleted uranium firing range, and an active Air
National Guard laser-guided bombing range in the center of the site.
Contamination is worth considering, but so is the economic and social
disruption that the base closure brought to this area some 20 years... mehr anzeigen

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Buckinghamshire, UK

Nuclear deterrence and containment are are more wishful thinking than sound
policy. These policies assume rational, competent state actors are in control.
Hardly a valid assumption given Kim, the mullahs, and Trump.

And they ignore the potential of bad actors to proliferate nuclear weapons
clandestinely to terrorist non-state actors like Hezbollah.

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com

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