Reorganising the Galaxy -IV
Von: Suzann DoddThe story begins on Zechia, a ZerShaz planet which was decimated three decades ago. It is just being resettled by ZerShaz, humans removed from Xenos and now, those Earth thought worth saving so placed on an 'Ark'.
The story continues when one of those 'Arkists' is demanded by the iSaz of Beta Mar and transported across the galaxy.
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Reorganising the Galaxy - III | 2,49 US$ |
Reorganising the Galaxy -IV | 2,49 US$ |
On Beta Mar | 2,49 US$ |
Contrasting the Cultures | 2,49 US$ |
Reggae in Space | 2,49 US$ |
Life Plays on Zechia | 3,49 US$ |
Where I want to Be | 3,49 US$ |
The Concerts on Zechia | 2,49 US$ |
Relocations the final in Reorganising the Galaxy | 2,99 US$ |
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