Reggae in Space
Von: Suzann DoddTony Johnson is one of the most important humans on Beta Mar. He promoted Reggae and it has captured the planet. Sharon, for whom the concerts were 'bait' never saw them.
It is decided to hold concerts on the Zershaz planet of Zechia for her benefit.
Life, after conquest.
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Reorganising the Galaxy - III | 2,49 US$ |
Reorganising the Galaxy -IV | 2,49 US$ |
On Beta Mar | 2,49 US$ |
Contrasting the Cultures | 2,49 US$ |
Reggae in Space | 2,49 US$ |
Life Plays on Zechia | 3,49 US$ |
Where I want to Be | 3,49 US$ |
The Concerts on Zechia | 2,49 US$ |
Relocations the final in Reorganising the Galaxy | 2,99 US$ |
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reggae, power, conquest, relationships
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