Making the Circle - 9

The Fight in the Verodyne Von:
Making the Circle - 9

A verodyne is a large circular building, ZeShaz attend to find a mate.  There is also section where ZeSha engage in a short combat.


It is here an event occurs in which human and ZerShaz come together, proving the friendships they created on the Applewhyte are real.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Making the Circle"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Making the Circle - 1
Residing on Zechia
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 2
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 3
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 4
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 5
3,49 US$
Making The Circle - 6
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 7
3,49 US$
Making The Circle - 8
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 9
The Fight in the Verodyne
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 10
3,49 US$

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