Making the Circle - 4

Making the Circle - 4

The planet of Zechia is made of thousands of islands.  Selecting the right ones to house those retrieved from the planet of Argale, the human crew from the Applewhyte, and building a hospital falls on Jill Chinn See.  


Although she thinks all the responsibility is on her shoulders, it isn't.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Making the Circle"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Making the Circle - 1
Residing on Zechia
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 2
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 3
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 4
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 5
3,49 US$
Making The Circle - 6
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 7
3,49 US$
Making The Circle - 8
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 9
The Fight in the Verodyne
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 10
3,49 US$

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