Making the Circle - 10

Making the Circle - 10

This is part of a series.   It focuses on the repopulation of a ZeShaz planet called Zechia made up of many islands.


Some have ZerShaz population,  one is human, another is a new species called Kema.


The focus is on the interaction of the inhabitants, on Dr. Jill Chin See who is teaching ZerShaz  medicine.





Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Making the Circle"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Making the Circle - 1
Residing on Zechia
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 2
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 3
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 4
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 5
3,49 US$
Making The Circle - 6
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 7
3,49 US$
Making The Circle - 8
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 9
The Fight in the Verodyne
3,49 US$
Making the Circle - 10
3,49 US$

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