Contrasting the Cultures

Contrasting the Cultures

This is the Continution of the story which began as The Right Thing.


It is over a year since Conquest and compares life on the human cosmopolitan Beta Mar and that of the rural ZerShazian world of Zechia.


There are humans living on Zechia in a form of ZerShaz life; humans who once lived on their own worlds.


The cultures mix and blend.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Reorganising the Galaxy"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Reorganising the Galaxy - III
2,49 US$
Reorganising the Galaxy -IV
2,49 US$
On Beta Mar
2,49 US$
Contrasting the Cultures
2,49 US$
Reggae in Space
2,49 US$
Life Plays on Zechia
3,49 US$
Where I want to Be
3,49 US$
The Concerts on Zechia
2,49 US$
the final in Reorganising the Galaxy
2,99 US$

Dieses eBook ist erhältlich bei:

und in vielen anderen eBook-Shops

2,49 US$
culture, relationships, reggae
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