Living in the Moment

User: selivia
Living in the Moment
Ever have one of those moments when you feel that your life could have been different? A moment of fantastic awareness that is more real than reality. A fan's view point.

Celebrity, Fan, daydream
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Yours is one of the few entries that made me smile. You have a wonderful flow in your work and it is easy to ready. I truly enjoyed the story...especially the ending...and wish you all the best in the competition.

2 Kommentare
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Wow! Ok, you must know me! It's like a page from my real life...or reel life. Have we met?

I loved it!

You do need to use a different font. This one runs words together, actually. I had the same with my entry.

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Thanks everyone for the encouraging comments, particularly for my first BoW.

Sorry about any spelling defects - I try to be very carefull about those. The only one I found was unfortunately also a real word so the spell checker didn't catch it.

Hi! to another Aussie!

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Hi Susan,

Isn't this every girls dream? Loved their dialogue. Great imagery too, enjoyed your descriptions. It's lyrical, very poetic.

I really enjoyed your story. What a great read.

There are a few spelling errors.

Good luck,

Bek :)

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petra michelle

was steamy, Susan! I can recall a hundred "in the moments" with my idols!
Loved it!

Good luck, Susan! Petra :))

Wichtiger Beitrag

Interesting, very warm evocative emotional descriptions. It's a neat alternate life flashing before your eyes story, and the revelation of it being fictitious wish fulfillment makes it perfect. Good ending line too.

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