Danolly 4

Danolly 4
will i ever be excepted

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

HAy that is a good story but a few things are off i can help if you like here let me show you.... heres a line from your story..

"Au a Danolly" he said. I was shaking with fear.
"A young one" wispered another " Just look at her eyes" at that a tear formed in the cornor of my eye.
Just then a dark haired female vampire leaped onto my back. So then i desided to take a chance, I grabed her hand in one quick motoin((I cant spell... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I will give you an 'A' for the story son far but your spelling needs help.
Capitalization and word spelling are needed. The beginning of this story has a lot of hope!./joeparente

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