Love Life?

Book 1: Don't need love. Von:
User: seablue
Love Life?
Aaron- An every-day boy, who isn't too hot to be in love. Age 14

Raina- Aaron's twin, who is in love with a boy in her class. Raina will do anything for him. Age 14

Maddie- Aaron's friend. She's been trying to get Aaron to noice her more than a friend. Age 14

Dacia- A very troubled girl. She just wants to be an actor when she grows up. Age 16.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gracie vor ca. 4 Jahren

I enjoyed reading this book. It was well-thought of and characters were perfectly described. This work definitely deserves more audience. You might want to check out N0velStar via Facebook to meet more readers and other writers who joined the team. You may then publish your other works in N0velStar to widen your horizon.

Wichtiger Beitrag
seablue vor ca. 14 Jahren bearbeitet

No, it's not, i'll work on it later, but right now my main concern is on "Earth's shadow"

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