If You Know A Friend In Trouble "How Could You Not Help"

It could mean their life Von:
If You Know A Friend In Trouble "How  Could You Not Help"
Friendship and what friendship really means . If your friends entrust you with a secret then that secret must be kept.But if that friend is telling you things like they want to die then it is your responsibility as a freiend to get them help they so need. For often when they start talking in this manner they are beyond helping hemselves any longer.Be that friend you say you are and save their life even if it means losing that friend for in time they will thanjk you when they become well and happy once again.

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I wish that it were possible for me to be able to say what bothered my cousin. She will have to go to a mental facility to get her straight on medicine. Fortunately she is close by so I can see her.

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