Butterflies Are Free To Fly

A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution Von:
User: sadavissr
Butterflies Are Free To Fly
When Nicolaus Copernicus discovered the Earth wasn’t the center of the Universe, everything changed. When Isaac Newton figured out the law of gravity from a falling apple, everything changed. When Benjamin Franklin harvested electricity from lightening and Thomas Edison made the first commercial light bulb, everything changed. Today, when quantum physicists realize our physical universe isn’t real, that it’s just a hologram, everything … wait! Nothing’s changed - yet.
"Butterflies Are Free To Fly" offers a new and radical approach to spiritual evolution based on the recent scientific experiments in quantum physics and brain research outlined in Part One. Given that the physical universe which looks and feels so real to us is actually a unique holographic projection from our own brain, the author examines various models for life and living that are very different than what we have been told and taught.
“This is the only radical thinking that you need to do,” Dr. Amit Goswami is quoted as saying. “But it is so radical, it is so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is already ‘out there,’ independent of my experience. It is not. Quantum Physics has been so clear about it.”
For example, in Part Two we are introduced to something the author calls an “Infinite I,” which is creating our unique holographic experiences. Then there is the “Human Game Model,” offering explanations all the way from why we experience pain and suffering to how we can change our reactions and responses by letting go of our judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears. The end result, suggests the author, is peeling away all the layers of false identities that make up the “ego,” transforming and emerging from our cocoon as a “no-self.”
Part Three of the book is a series of questions and answers to offer alternative explanations consistent with these models on subjects such as money, past lives, karma, trust, and the “Earth Environment.”
This book will leave you thinking, because this book is truly radical.

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I, also, refer to Plato's simile of the cave in my book: BEYOND THE WORD: An Awakening.
My journal-styled book is written in PDF format, consists of 335 pages, is free, and may be downloaded from my small website: http://www.beyondtheword.net.

I also have a copy of it on bookrix.com. From what little bit I have read thus far from your book: Butterflies Are Free To Fly, I think you would really like to examine mine.

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