Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

This book expresses concern for the spiritual growth and development of the people in God's house. It seeks to convey the vision behind God's plan helping church leaders evaluate their current work in feeding sheep.

This book is for those who lack clarity in seeing the bigger picture and those whose attempts met with obstacles ending in frustration. This book creates an opportunity for church leaders to regroup and begin again having mastered the thinking behind God's plan.

For the individual follower of Christ serious about his or her spiritual maturity, the book underscores the role of personal responsibility in the feeding process. It aids the reader in grasping the layers of spiritual development and understanding how each stage is critical to overall progress.

All in all, this book is a timely addition to the book shelf with its frank biblically sound assessment and review. The use of imagery seeks to present a diverse subject in easily digested chunks so that even young readers can benefit. Use the book for group or self-study. Or throw it into the mix with your current training program.

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