Hold Onto Me

Don't leave me Von:
Hold Onto Me
Travis Tatum has a past that he's not very proud of.He's done his time in juvy and got sent to mental house where he would spend the rest of his juvy time.He's been doing so good that he's finally getting out.He's excited to finally go home and live with his family again.Everything was working out for him until a girl named Malaina Dennen came to the house.She came as a mute and a runaway.She never spoke once nor did she even show emotion.She was dead and Travis felt it was his duty to save her.

Sadness, jail, mentalhome, love
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Wichtiger Beitrag

I really like it! ^-^ Can't wait for an update!!! ^-^

2 Kommentare

Thank you but the rest of the story was on my old laptop....So I would have to rewrite it

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