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Protect your blog content

There are a few different ways you can protect your blog content.
1. Disable text selection on your blog

This is the first and most essential step to discourage direct copying of your content.
Users of the Blogger platform can disable text selection from their blogs by manually installing some JavaScript code before the closing tag in the HTML of their blog.
WordPress users can add this feature by installing the wpcopyprotect plugin.
2. Watermark your images

It’s important to watermark all the original images you’ve created for use on your blog. A watermark proves that you are the owner of the copyright to all those images. Moreover, watermarks discourage others from using your photos and illustrations on their blog, since they’d have your blog’s name all over theirs!
Although there are many watermarking utilities available on the internet, I generally prefer to use Windows Live Writer’s inbuilt watermark plugin. Note that if you’re using photos from any other outside source on the web (like Flickr or Picasa), it’s up to you to take a notice of their licenses before reusing them—otherwise you might find yourself guilty of ripping someone else’s content!
3. Manage your RSS feeds

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