My Photos & Art

User: Retifer
My Photos & Art
Photos taken by me, and some art by me too ;P I obviously like drawing TLoZ things, but there're some other random things in there too.

Merh :/

My pets in the pictures are:

Dog with blue harness - Simba [four and a half years old]
Dog with pink harness/Canada Day Bandana - Nala [five years old]
White & Brown Dog - Bentley [erm, two years old . . . ?]
Tortie (orange&black) Cat - Minnie [eleven years old]
Orange Cat - Fireball Jr. (Minnie's brother, Fb & Pf's uncle was also Fireball, so we named our Fb after him) [ten years old]
Grey Cat - Prettyface (used to be named Horseshoe; don't know why it changed :P) [ten years old]

Photography, Art, Pets, Zelda, Birds
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