Spiritual Maturity, Biblical Analysis and Christian Worldviews

Spiritual Maturity, Biblical Analysis and Christian Worldviews

The ebook aims to demonstrate the value of pursuing spiritual maturity and how to apply the principles of spirituality to the daily life of a Christian. The papers also providers he reader with a comprehensive glimpse on the process of biblical exegesis, with an emphasis on the socio-historical-grammatical approach, and how it contributes to a better understanding of the Bible. As a practical example, the articles use the hermeneutical tools to discuss Paul's use of the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10ff in light of its original use in the Old Testament and Jewish literature. .furthermore, the article distinguishes between biblical teachings derived from the original context of Scripture and historical interpretations that have developed over time. Finally, the articles discuss the cultural and historical context of traditional religion to explain how this religious tradition influences modern belief and the key elements Christians would explain to traditionalists to adhere to Christianity.

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