The Dealings Of Captain Sharkey and Other Tales of Pirates (Illustrated)

The Dealings Of Captain Sharkey and Other Tales of Pirates (Illustrated)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a Scottish writer and physician. He was born on 22nd May 1859 and was died on 7th July 1930. He was renowned for his 'Sherlock Holmes Stories'.His famous work includes: A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Valley of Fear, The Mazarin Stone and His Last Bow etc.

12 original short stories (including The Captain of the "Polestar"). This book contains 6 tales of pirates and 6 tales of blue water
I Captain Sharkey: How the Governor of Saint Kitt's Came Home
II The Dealings of Captain Sharkey with Stephen Craddock
III The Blighting of Sharkey
IV How Copley Banks Slew Captain Sharkey
V The "Slapping Sal"
VI A Pirate of the Land (One Crowded Hour)
VII The Striped Chest
VIII The Captain of the "Polestar"
IX The Fiend of the Cooperage
X Jelland's Voyage
XI J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement
XII That Little Square Box

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