Beautiful Killers

Amaranth Sivige is the perfect example of the perfect daughter, the child every parent wishes for. Straight A's, obedient, athletic, socially active, and more. But no ones perfect, everyone has their flaws, imperfections, little bit of crazies. In Amaranth's case she's got a lot of crazy. At night when everyone thinks shes asleep, or secretly reading a book under her covers, they couldn't be more wrong. With a trench coat and an easy to conceal weapon, Amaranth heads out into the night helping to keep the human population in check. Not just a common murderer though Amaranth is a serial killer, taking out more people than she can remember. She's smart, calculated, deceiving, and certainly knows her way around a weapon.

One night Amaranth is unaware of there being a witness through her entire man slaughter ministrations. Slayer uses his observations to confront Amaranth and blackmail her into attending Merodach Academy. Merodach Academy trains its students to use their beauty to get them far enough to kill a person. When someone needs someone gone they visit Adonis the headmaster of the Academy and he assigns which ever student he feels is ready or fitting for the mission. Of course Amaranth refuses Slayers offer despite his threats. Having a talk with her family she realizes her secret is about to be obvious after a visit with her uncle. Will she give up her freedom and become one of the Academy students?

Meanwhile a detective starts to dabble into his fathers murder, but he seems to keep coming up short. There is no evidence tangible evidence, its a clean crime scene, almost like a ghost had murdered his father. Titus knows better, and his path leads him to Merodach Academy. Will this detective find the truth behind Merodach Academy? Is Titus willing to risk his life just for closure? Ignorant to what he's really getting himself into Titus just might. Along the way he meets a beautiful young woman that might just be the literal death of him, little does he know.

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