(Demo) A Thirst For Darkness: TIME DISTORTION

(Demo) A Thirst For Darkness: TIME DISTORTION
A Demo of my currently pending book that is yet to be released on Amazon Kindle,
The Story is based around a girl and a boy that are from two different times and they have to work together to keep time from freezing.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Thankyou for your comments my teachers always said that my grammar was a downfall. I'll revise and hopefully it'll be sorted thanks again.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I really, really like the premise of your story, the characters seem interesting and well-thought out, and you appear to know exactly where this will go. But before you hand it over for publication, please find a good editor. Not for the content of the story, which is quite good, but for the technical things like grammar, spelling and syntax.

You have few paragraph breaks between one person's dialogue and the next, scanty... mehr anzeigen

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