Flovely and Unicorn Erna

A modern fairy tale for children Von:
User: Flovely
Flovely and Unicorn Erna

"Flovely and Unicorn Erna" is an adventure story full of tension for children between three and eight. In the Flower Forest Flovely and her best friend Flirty meet the legendary unicorn Erna. Together they discover her fairy tale home counrtry and get to know diverse secrets of the mythical creatures. Helping the friendly unicorns with an important task, they collect the rare and costly golden fir cones. And the friends have to overcome some difficult situations.


Written in an affectionate way and with explanations full of details this children’s book is recommended as a very good read for children who like adventures. Colourful pictures suitable for children illustrate the action in a cheerful way. 

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