Two Make Magic – Operation Woodruff

Two Make Magic – Operation Woodruff

Elli is ten years old and unhappy. She’s at a new school, and she just can’t seem to make friends. How’s she going to survive the school trip to Hamburg?

But in Hamburg, Elli encounters a girl called Idi and, as if by magic, her life suddenly changes. Strange things start to happen: Light bulbs explode, pillows fly through the air, and rolls of toilet paper begin to float.

And when Idi visits Elli in Berlin, they discover a well-kept family secret …


‘The Parent Trap, The Twins at St. Clare’s, and now we have Elli and Idi. Every generation needs its twins – and these two are simply magical. They will enchant older and younger readers alike.’
Caroline Peters, actress

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magic, twins, siblings, berlin, witch
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