You're a What!?

Believing is Seeing. Von:
User: Sia V
You're a What!?
When socially awkward Serah Louise comes face to face with the idea of a classmate being a descendant of the fantasy realm – being the type of girl who always has her head in the clouds – she immediately sets to work on uncovering the truth of her new classmate. Is she really what she says she is? Do they even exist? And if she isn’t, then what is she?

fantasy, faeries, fairy, wings, fly, girl, high school, drama
Beiträge und Kommentare
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FANTASTIC! I loved it!
Keep Writing and.. don't make us wait forever. Send me - and these around me an update when you add more story. I really liked it Siagrrl.
It was different and FRESH. Which is hard to find. Great.

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please keep writing.

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