
by the best author: lovecreepypastas Von:

Kagekao is a 21-year-old Japanese demon who currently lives somewhere in America. He was born in Japan, but when he was young he was separated from his parents, Kuraitsume and Yoruyuki, who are presumed dead. He moved to America when he was around 18 years old.


Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Creepypasta"
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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

you can just ignore the blurb of the book if you want, I kinda accidently didn't write about the actual main character of the story so yeah.....

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Kein Miniaturbild Entfernen ka3d2c2bda7bb16_1646155431.6663150787 978-3-7554-0891-8 Bitte wähle einen Grund aus Bitte gib die Stelle im Buch an. de de_DE