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Von: Shirley MurphyNanocylinders can improve drug delivery to cancer patients
University of Pennsylvania researchers have found out that by using a cylindrical shaped carrier drugs can be delivered in a better manner to an animal model of vpn master for ios for a duration which is ten times longer as compared to what can be achieved using spherical shaped carriers. The study will lead to an improvement in the drug delivery coupled with a better understanding of the cylinder shaped viruses such as H5N1 and Ebola.
In this case since the blood stream is constantly pumping blood the cylindrical nanoparticles line up with the flow and persist in circulation for a longer period of time as compared to any known spherical particles. Cylindrical nanoparticles were used which comprised of synthetic polymers for delivering paclitaxel which is an anticancer drug to a human lung tumor tissue implanted in the mice. Nanoparticles comprising of chain of polymer called polyethyleneglycol was used for this purpose. This study is expected to impact the treatment of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases.