The Monster Next Door

The Monster Next Door
This book is about two sisters secretly vampires who are new in town. New school, friends, maybe boyfriends. Well read to find out

vampires, werewolves, romance, drama
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

It is a good story line and all and i might would enjoy the book but everything in it happens to fast you need to slow things down a bit warm the readers up to the charachters..... So honestly i dont get all the commotion i dont like the book that much........... It sucks no offense i hate to be rude but i just giving my personal opinion, but anyway sorry to me your book stinks.. I HATE IT and it was a waist of my valuable... mehr anzeigen

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Please update and finish please.This is a good book and i think you have lots of talent and hospitaltiy.Keep up the good work.You deserve all the compliements you can get.


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i'm interested abt wats going to happend ...

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let me know when there is more

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