My cousins book

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My cousins book

She said with a big smile on her face, “meet me in the bathroom and we can take another shower together.” We both got up. She headed to the bathroom and I headed to Michelle’s room to get some cloths. I saw my phone sitting on the night stand so I picked it up. I had seven missed calls from Michelle and a bunch of missed texts asking where I was. I made my way into the bathroom and showed Carly the missed calls and texts. She grabbed the phone and typed a reply, “sorry, I was sleeping what do you need?” We walked into the shower together. I sat my phone down on the ledge next to Carly’s. Carly got down on her knees and stuck my cock in her mouth and started giving me some mouth, tongue and hand action. Just when I was really getting into it Carly’s phone went off. She took her mouth off my cock, moved out of the water stream, slid the shower door open and grabbed her phone. “It is Michelle I am going to answer it,” she said. “Hello,” Michelle said.

ma, love
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