Wait For It

Wait For It
Christopher Strong has one goal - to get the hell out of his fathers house and go off to college and never see him again. But his very own hell on earth couldn't come any quicker. His verbally abusive and sometimes physically abusive father is the absolute main cause of his plight. Even the school bullies hot on his trail couldn't compare.
But there is some good in Chris's life. He has a great job working weekends for two lovely ladies. He has a best friend who's always keeping him company whether Chris wants him to or not . And after standing up and defending the school bullies' main punching bag, Chris is getting a lot more attention in school.
More invites to parties, more girls heading checking him out, and that means more trouble too. But as things are starting to pick up in his favor, Chris discovers a secret meant to stay buried, and it gets him tangled up in more trouble than he could ever have imagined. Now, not only are his new friends in danger, but his future beyond high school. His barbarian thug of a father is withholding secrets that Chris needs answers to, and he needs them quickly before someone gets hurt or worse.
This is the life of Christopher Strong.

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