Torn Apart

Torn Apart
Soren and James are happily married. But, James is called into the army again. Will he arrive back safely, or will he not return at all?

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi, nice writing :)
Anyway, I have an offer related to writing story and I'd like to talk about it.
If you are interested, you can reach me on insta: ods.apa or message me at leonandre880 (at) g m a i l (dot) com

Wichtiger Beitrag

I really enjoyed this, especially since it was written by a fourteen year old who knows how to put together a coherent story. Well done for that. It had a good beginning, middle and end and made the reader feel very happy at the conclusion. This is a "current" piece of work since it references our soldiers who are sent overseas and are often killed. Fortunately for this particular soldier, he made it back alive.

I am assuming... mehr anzeigen

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