The Mysterious Lady In Black

User: sereni
The Mysterious Lady In Black
She showed me the symbols in the leaves and I got chicken-skinned. I stood up and thanked her, and then told her I must get home. I had a long walk and didn’t want to be caught in the dark. I thought about what she’d said the whole way home, and when I reached my house I decided to lie; tell my mom I had to stay after school. Sorry for page 10 I couldn't get it corrected.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

Clean and well edited, good story line. Maybe a little more "showing vs. telling"...

ss-The Camera

Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm happy you enjoyed my story.Most of what I wrote was true, although my Nanny didn't read the tea leaves. When I arrived in California my Aunt did get me interested in looking for The Lady in Black. I knew I would see her, but for all I knew she she might be dead. That summer was great and will always stay with me. To this day my brother still is a tease. :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

This book had a great sense of mystery as well as a good dose of teenageism (if that's a word). You kept to the teenage point of view well. You made it seem as if you had really experienced everything, and I could feel as if I were sneaking up on the lady in black, trembling, excited, not knowing what I may find. Well done!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Welcome back. Thanks for taking the time to comment and vote. Serena

Wichtiger Beitrag

nice read. It kept my attention all the way through, and it was a nice idea as well.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for all of your editing help,and thank you especially when I know what I want to say, and I can't think of the right words.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for reading my story.When I was young I could escape for a short time watching the old movies, and I still watch them but am saddened to think most of those actors have died.

I had such a strained relationship with my Nana but I was young and thought everything could be fixed.It never was. My other Grandmother was wonderful. I'm not saying she spoiled us but I knew that she loved us, all nine of us.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Of course I've read this more than once:) I'm happy to say I continue to see a vast leap upward in narrative skill, plot development, character building, and especially tying the opening into the story as a whole. Proud of you.
I'm also happy to see that the time-glitch concerning this story's entry into the contest was at long last fixed:) You understood, and adhered remarkably well to the contest theme. Very best of luck!

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