
User: sereni

Through her satin dress, now tattered and stained,
I see her soul, alive and dignified.I see my lady born again in splendor.
The horns honking. I do not hear;
I hear her battered body

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Beiträge und Kommentare
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I appreciate your lovely comments and the fact you saved my book. Serena

2 Kommentare
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Ahhh, a lovely metaphor here. Well done, and a pleasure to read. You have a delicate way of writing that I enjoy, Sereni.

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Thank you for adding my poem to your favorites. I appreciate you stopping to read it. Serena

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No need for apologies like we both said there is a lot of reading. Glad you found it and enjoyed it. Now when I go back over it I have two chairs I have been putting off recovering.I must take care of that someday. lol Thanks Serena

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Serena, I truly must appologize for not reading this masterpiece earlier. Someone who appreciates fine old furniture, I can really relate to this wonderful tale.

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Thank you for your kind words and saving my poem to your favorites. Serena

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From Queen to Queen, what a lovely way to view others for what they can be!


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You are so right about the rebirth, in this case a chair that still had beauty and did not deserve to be discarded.With age comes beauty. Thanks Serena

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Nice poem about noticing a gem of beauty amidst the trash that others would overlook. It says to me that the chair was once a thing of beauty and delight and that it will be again. It also kind of speaks about rebirthing something, making anew from the old.

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