Part two, the horror continues as Brian and Allison battle and venture to escape the madness that is Grimalkin.

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(°ᴗƪ) ➜ ︀↪

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Hillsborough, NJ

Summarizing, simply put, President Trump is a high functioning illiterate,
with no understanding of basic economics or history.

Smoot Hawley was a disaster. Today's markets are extended. Exposed for many
reasons: monetization has elevated our debt and equity markets.

Protectionism stifles trade.

Addressing our trade imbalance will require surgery on our current
capabilities in all areas where we can do better... mehr anzeigen

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(°ᴗƪ) ➜ ︀↪

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omg dude this series is SOOOO GOOOD!! what happens??? I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! and I knew there was somthing weird about the cat...
Tell me when there's more! :)

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