
Grimalkin Von:
The first part in a thrilling mini-series. This first chapter shows how curiosity can grab you and drive you to do more even when reason tells you not to. Brian and Allison are having a Little trouble on the homefront.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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I didn't think it went through. Sometimes it is really slow on my end.

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I love stories like this one, and in my mind the biggest issue facing any writer is to have a good tale to tell. You have this, so 3/4 of your work is done. Next comes editing. This is assuming you have this completely finished in rough draft form. I never worry about editing until after I get the rough draft finished. You don't want to interrupt the flow of the story. What I've done is taken your first paragraph, your... mehr anzeigen

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I love stories like this one, and in my mind the biggest issue facing any writer is to have a good tale to tell. You have this, so 3/4 of your work is done. Next comes editing. This is assuming you have this completely finished in rough draft form. I never worry about editing until after I get the rough draft finished. You don't want to interrupt the flow of the story. What I've done is taken your first paragraph, your... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

CREEEPY!!!! at first I was SO sure it was going to be the cat, with the messed up rooms and the smell in the bathroom(cat caught a mouse?) and everything, but I couldn't figure out the knives everywhere and the...stuff in the bathroom. WHO IS THAT GUY??? Guess it's on to the second one! :)

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The action is very well described.The character,Allison, built in your book is very well conceived.Thank you for sharing,Mari.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Very creepy. At first I thought that it was her imagination, but no. Then I thought maybe the cat(who I still don't trust) but then too many things were happening. Need to know more about this cliffhanger.
Ps check out some of the spelling.

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