Look Beyond What You See

Cus you're a medal in Creator's hand Von:
Look Beyond What You See

Another ladder you must climb without looking back. The ladder comes as a question boiling: Can you see what you cannot look? It's impossible. I mean, seen what you can't look not even for a minute. Jesus said, if you need something inexhaustible from me, just look and see. You have what it takes to look at Jesus on the cross. He gave you an eye—not to look over lustful images. He put an eye in you, for clear vision. "Just look at me, I'm on the cross, I'm waiting for you, all your pains and problems would be turn-out" but you are a very scared person afraid of your own creator. Look beyond what you see, that's where your medal

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Saviour A. Willie

I just love this sangu expression "All my problems would be turn out...." Wow!!

1 Kommentar
Medii Regin

Thank you Saviour Willie. That's part of my early discovery. I just can't do without plotting a story in a burnish form. Every relationship needs an inspirator, you're part of the rules. I really took time proofreading this work

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