Ambers Experience

They are in love but she stands between them... Von:
Ambers Experience
Amber was created in a test tube. She was given Wings and superpowers that she is just learning about. Zack and Amber love each other but Angel who was also created like Amber and Zack, she wants Zack for herself. So she betrayed Amber to join the enemy. Miguel is a human who want to be enough to be with Amber but he knows that will never happen as long as Zack lives. Tom is like a father to Amber even though they just meet what Amber dosen't know is that Tom is actually her sprem donner Father, And as for a mother well don't cpount on it cause she's dead as Amber will later find out. (Please be warned I usally do not write like this forgive me if you don't like this story.

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Dont undermine yourself your a good writer alot better than me. I don't even write. We're both the same age and I love the way you write Sarah Faie. Your good and just starting out. Haha I sound like an adult!!! XD

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