Behind the Curtain

He is Not What He Seems Von:
Behind the Curtain

Sometimes kpop bands can go a little downhill. Yeol is part of the boy-band JIGOKU. They are currently the top band in the world. But they don't always work together and cooperate as a team. Social media is not a friend to them. Soon, society will tear them apart. Will they stay strong? Or will the number one band in the world fall down like dominoes?

Jigoku, Yeol, Kpop
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Prairie Village, KS

Trump doesn't seem to understand that ""Made in America"" is an extremely
complicated concept in this interconnected global economy. For example, Ford
and GM brand vehicles have parts made in Canada and Mexico, while the top
American-assembled export automobile (as of 2016) was actually BMW. That's
right. A brand from Germany - the biggest player in EU now used by Trump as a
scapegoat to justify his trade wars -... mehr anzeigen

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