The Middle Of The Earth

The Middle Of The Earth

The train reached the station at exactly quarter to twelve at night. With no
No companions or luggage, one came down with Arohilde
Girl. Not just lonely or lonely, her awesome demeanor
Many drew attention. Pretty tall girl, lonely
Shape, twenty-three or twenty-four years of age, the impression of negligence in decoration
Clear. Although the clothes are expensive and tasteful, the red skirt is no more
Blue shirts are folded and wrinkled in many places, one or two
There is dry mud in the place. The lips are thin,
It would have been nice to have a little touch of lipstick there. In the left hand
Expensive wristwatch, empty right hand, empty fair neck too, ornaments
A small pair of rings is hanging in the ears. Look at the attitude
Is his heavy fear of people.

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