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San Francisco, CA
Because of his lost pension, I would buy 2 copies of his books just to support
him when his book comes out
Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com
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Takoma Park, MD
""Charles Kushner went to jail in a messy sex and campaign finance scandal in
""Messy""? This is a criminal who hired a prostitue to have sex with his
brother-in-law so that he could record it and send it to his sister. He has
been convicted and served time for illegal campaign donation, tax evasion and
witness tampering.
Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com
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Ein Buch das ich lesen werde, gut geschrieben, vorallem die Dialoge gefallen mir, denn deine Protagonisten wirken nicht aufgesetzt wie in so vielen anderen fällen.
Außerdem habe ich onehin eine Schwäche für Horror und bin gespannt welche Wendungen diese Geschichte wohl nehmen wird, noch ist ja alles offen.
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