Performance First, Potential Later

Performance pays the bills: not potential Von:
Performance First, Potential Later


The disruptions to life, work and people from the ongoing pandemic are much more profound than anyone of us could have imagined at the beginning of 2020. These have put tremendous pressure on the human minds and the related SOPs. As a direct result of this challenge, the expectation from the Human Resource function has sky-rocketed. On one hand, the HR fraternity needs to take care of any scaling down, so rampant across the industries and on the other hand they are supposed to re-skill, train and keep the resources motivated to deliver the desired results albeit with lesser budget and lesser resources.


Its therefore not surprising that the spot light would also be on the performance of the HR teams and those of them who are not perceived to be up to the mark on various parameters, would be shown the pink slips.


The following articles try to show case the challenges that are occasionally faced by the fraternity and how they should deal with such challenges to the utmost satisfaction of their seniors.


Have a happy and satisfactory read and Good luck to all. Be safe, be well and please take care of each other. It has never mattered so much, before…

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