Wind of Change in Africa

Wind of Change in Africa

For decades now the African continent has been suffering under the weight of poverty and corruption. A continent rich in natural and mineral resources is being regarded as a liability to the entire world. She is borrowing while others are lending. Is it supposed to be so?

This book that has been presented in a very simple form, transports the reader to the past, introduces the present and makes a projection to the future.

We can not change the past, but we can change the future by adjusting our lives today. By taking positive steps today, Africa’s future shall be brighter.

Good readers do not only absorb the words, but they get actively engaged in what they have read. This is what the writer  is expecting from every reader.

Samuel Flourish in his simplicity sheds a light of hope to all Africans in this book.



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Corruption, History, Leaders, Jesus Christ
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