The Myths and Fables of To-Day

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The Myths and Fables of To-Day
The Myths and Fables of To-Day written by Samuel Adams Drake. Illustrations by Frank T. Merrill. Published in 1900. This book has 15 chapters.

I. A Reckoning with Time
II. The Folk-lore of Childhood
III. Weather Lore
IV. Signs of All Sorts
V. Charms to Good Luck
VI. Charms against Disease
VII. Of Fate in Jewels
VIII. Of Love and Marriage
IX. Of Evil Omens
X. Of Haunted Houses, Persons, and Places
XI. Of Presentiments
XII. The Divining-rod
XIII. Wonders of the Physical Universe
XIV. “Ships that Pass in the Night”
XV. Fortune-telling, Astrology, and Palmistry

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