Boys School: Bad Idea?

Does love really conquer all? Von:
User: S. Kearns
Boys School: Bad Idea?

Alison Smith, one of the toughest girls out there. She's a typical tomboy  but she can be girly when she needs to be and she knows how to have a good time. So when she gets dared to go to an all-boy's school, she's all for it. She stays for a short period and then decides that she's had enough and tells the truth. So she goes home, but when she arrives, she finds that the captain of the football team has gone after her. She doesn't think she has time for boys. But then she meets Cash, will his charming demeanor make her fall for him? Or will she unleash his unforgiving side?

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Boys School"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Boys School: Bad Idea?
Does love really conquer all?
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i really love this but i was wondering if there are anymore updates

4 Kommentare
S. Kearns

There definitely will be! School just started and I haven't had much time to update


that's great I'm so excited

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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ❤ ︀O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k ︀➔ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?ar02778b0aef635_1400254873.9044730663

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OMG I LOVE THIS BOOK. Iis there anymore updates on it

3 Kommentare
S. Kearns

I've been a bit busy...but I will definitely be working on it more often!!


Thank you


Love this book anymore chapters when ur not busy thank uuuuu

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