
How do you describe the pain when you lose a child?

miscarriage, baby, pain, angel
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Great incite, gripping, great work, congrats

1 Kommentar
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So beautiful... yet so sad. You always write beautifully. True talent.. no need to say more you know how blessed you are. :D

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Gelöschter User

Oh my, Stevie, I have goosebumps. You've touched my soul with this story. Wonderfully written, and I can feel the pain.
Warmest regards and respect,
CJ Heck

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have Sereni to thank for drawing my attention to this heartfelt story.
I wish you well with your writing.

Al the best,

Wichtiger Beitrag

The words of this story touched me deeply I like the way that it was told and it read like a very long poem, nevertheless I really enjoyed it.

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Thank you all for your comments. Honestly, I wasn't too sure about this piece but I'm reassured by your words. This is something incredibly personal for me (and a main reason why I've been MIA for a while) so it means a lot that I can share it with you all.

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A beautifully written piece exemplifying a mother's primitive love for her unborn child and for the one she lost. You write with passion and clarity and we readers feel every emotion. Well done.

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Your beautiful words are drenched with a mothers love for her children. Such torture wanting them to stay yet unable to hold them. Serena

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