My hands are tied. There is nothing I can do but watch you die....

Easter, Mary, cross, Jesus
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This is one of my favorite pieces. Unfortunately, quite a few people have told me that they can't read it, because it's rather emotional... :) It was definitely not an easy piece to write...

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This was... wow. I always wondered how she felt. Obviously, one would not even be able to imagine what that would feel like. But you were actually able to describe it. I commend you for that. It's something that I'm sure not even filmmakers were able to portray in any of the movies. Truly beautiful... left me somewhat speechless and watered my eyes. Dust of the Earth was another one of my favorites, you have the re-telling of... mehr anzeigen

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I've never heard the tale of the crucifixion told like that before and it impressed upon me the human side to the grief of a mother. Not many mothers outlive their children, but for her, it must have been the greatest heartache any woman could bare.
You managed to produce a powerful portrayal of how she must have felt and of her disbelief that it could happen.
Well done. :)

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Stevie, this is probably very close to the way Mary felt about the pain and death of her son. She knew there was not other way, yet still as a mother she hoped there was.
Thanks for this view of a very momentous event in all of mankind's history.

1 Kommentar

I'm so glad you liked it. :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'll be writing a following piece (this one is actually a sequel to my "Dust of the Earth"), but I really wanted this one to show the pain and horror of a sacrifice that so often we ignore. I know it's only been recently in my own life that I've understood exactly what happened that day, and I wanted to share that. Being a mother myself, I wanted to show it from a different angle. It was an... mehr anzeigen

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to tell you the truth, it wasn't an easy reading, being a parent myself. I would lighten it a bit with the joy she must felt three days after that, but this is your book...
I loved the idea of seeing the scene from Maria's point of view; and reading your story I remebered the wonderful Michelangelo's sculpture, La Pieta.
Great job!

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In it's heartache and beauty. In words you captured most skillfully a mother's love. Excellent job. Robynn

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This is a beautiful interpretation of the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ from the point of view of a mother. I understand how painful it would be for a mother to lose a child. Indeed, motherhood is a vocation, a calling from above because it entails a lot of sacrifices.

Before the crucifixion happened in the New Testament, it was written in the book of Psalms 22; in verse 17 to 18, “I can count all my bones;... mehr anzeigen

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Seriously, that was amazing. Such a different perspective of the story. I can't even imagine what she must have gone through that day. You made me cry, and I don't cry in stories easily.

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It was a really tough piece to write. Because I write from within my character and because I am a mother, there were a few points I couldn't keep writing. I'm glad it came through.

I don't usually put religious pieces up here, but I felt this one needed to be written. There is too much beauty surrounding the crucifixion, and the reality has been all but forgotten in favor of making it PG, not to mention the modern Easter... mehr anzeigen

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