Christmas Wish

Christmas Wish
Do you ever wonder if they watch over us?

Excerpt from Freedom From Chains, available at the Kindle store.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Freedom From Chains"
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Christmas Wish
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I was reading, thinking of how we take the precious moments for granted when it struck me who was telling the story . . . I'd write more but there are too many tears clouding my vision, and I don't have words to tell you how your story touched me.

4 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Heart wrenching, heart warming and heart felt. With the written word you create crisp, clean images. You capture the longing and sorrow of a loved one saying goodbye. Good job. Robynn

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Gelöschter User

Nothing I've ever read has made me shed a tear, until now. For that, stevie, you have my vote.

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Gelöschter User

Such a sweet and tender short. :) All of the little details made made this story that much more heart wrenching. I loved it definitely adding to favourites :)

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Ah Stevie,
How perfectly you write in 1st pov. The little things add such dimension, but it is the pathos, I each of your narrators elicit such deep emotional response from the reader. Exceptional (again).

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was beautiful and moving I thought. Only gradually does it dawn on you who is looking down at the child. I'll read more of your writing.

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