
Different isn't always bad Von:
A world we don't can't imagine.

Secrets we know, but aren't ours to tell.

When sixteen-year-old Tide finds herself locked in one of the Guardian's cells,she has no idea why she's there. Then she meets Callion. Join her as she explores a world she never knew she was a part of and finds who she truly is.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Chronicles of Tide"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Different isn't always bad
Diffs, fantasy, tide
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
S. Gutierrez


Thank you so much for all the good comments! I'm going to work on chapter length. I'm really glad I got constructive feedback fom you. I really wanted someone to tell me what i could improve on. Thank you!

Yours in eternity,


Wichtiger Beitrag

A very good begining! You have to write more SOON!! Please tell me when you do!

~Cheyenne X)

1 Kommentar
S. Gutierrez

Cheyenne X,

Thank you so much. I love it when people enjoy what I write. I will definetely keep you posted on when i update it.

Yours in eternity,

S. E. Gutierrez

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